Episode 2 update is coming!

Greetings, pilots! We are happy to announce that Strike Wing is going to get the biggest update yet across all platforms. We’ve been working hard to complete Episode 2 and fix other issues that have been reported or creeped their way up in the code πŸ™‚ That being said, we hope you will enjoy the update as well. So, let’s get to what the updates actually contain:


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The Core Fleet

The Core Navy‘s arsenal is made of modular ships and multi-role fighters. This is an evolution from previous, more specialized designs which proved to be less effective given the broad array of missions that Navy forces face.

F37 Sparrow – Light Space Superiority Fighter

The Sparrow is an ultra-light fighter that is perfect for recon missions. While it’s the weakest in terms of defenses it more than makes up for it with its excellent maneuvering performance. The Sparrow is hands down the easiest fighter to fly in the Core arsenal and is equipped with two light energy cannons.

Sparrow Continue reading

Welcome, pilots!

Eagle Side

So what is this? Do you like fast paced action, high replay value, challenging AI, space combat? Do you also want it on the go? Then this game is for you!

Strike Wing is a space combat shooter for the iOS platform currently on the last stretch of development at Dream Builder Studios.

This website will deal with all things Strike Wing from media to stories, ship details, strategies, developer diaries and more!

Speaking of more check out our Forums as well as the first episode of our novel Raptor Rising which will give you insight into the Strike Wing universe.